We are Engineers of Patrimonies, not only deep connoisseur of trust law, but experts in estates organising and planning as well.
For the most part, we assist private clients, professionals, entrepreneurs, business leaders, traders, artisans, intellectuals who, thanks to their activities have built up a patrimony or have received it from their families.
Such individuals desire to treasure and protect their patrimony, in order to make it safe from their creditors’ aggressions, to make it impervious to their conjugal affairs, to make certain that it will be used to face all the adversities that might occur during their lives, to regulate its devolution to their loved ones on death, to prevent it from being the cause of family disputes.
Said patrimony is organised by us in order to assure its preservation and transmission among generations, and its protection from external aggressions, taking advantage of the most sophisticated and efficient legal tools, with our experience of lawyers and notaries.
© Vicari Avvocati - Piva 11157550960